Although a series of public relations news came from the industry, saying that the store has returned to normal, the actual situation is not the case. A large number of products have been removed from the shelves, and the remaining products display normal. The chain is still in the “changing dog” state.

Image source: Amazon store screenshot

Analysis of the cause of the event

  1. [Leakage of evaluation data]

Amazon’s sanctions against brushing reviews is the most mainstream statement among sellers at present.

The ElasticSearch server was checked by Amazon, and about 7GB of evaluation data was mined. This includes:

①Email, Wahtapp, Telegram, phone number and other information of relevant sellers.

②The identifiable “evaluator”‘s PayPal account email, personal email, user name and other information.

What’s even more frightening is that it is said that Amazon also has an evaluation company in China. Its purpose is to find out the people who are doing reviewing in China, and mark the buyer’s account number of the reviewer.

  1. [The distribution model is no longer feasible on Amazon? 】

Many stores, large and small, are doing review reviews, why did they start with big sellers this time?

An old-fashioned e-commerce platform like Amazon has reached the current stage and will make certain adjustments to the size of the store. Everyone knows that 80% of Amazon’s market resources are actually occupied by 20% of the big sellers, and the remaining 20% is the battlefield for small and medium sellers.

So how does the experienced seller operate on Amazon? Relying on the huge size and external chain matrix, an enterprise manages hundreds of stores, an operation can manage thousands of product external links, and a product has multiple SKUs. It occupies market share through store groups + distribution, which undoubtedly reduces The exposure rate of products of small and medium sellers.

Amazon’s slogan has always been “product first, high-quality products first”. We don’t care if he just shouted slogans to attract investment, or he really didn’t forget his original intention, but at least this time he used real swords and guns, and cut a few big ones with pain. Fruit trees come to tidy up their own garden.

  1. [Whether behaviors such as requesting reviews and changing reviews have gone too far]

Of course, this is just a rumor, let me say, you listen

There may be some domestic business owners who have strict control over bad reviews. They have bought things from certain treasures and certain companies in China but have not given reviews or have given negative reviews, and sometimes they will receive calls. I hope you can give them a good review. , Change the bad review. How much you get back for good reviews, and give things away after good reviews, these are all gentle. If some influential people give bad reviews, then business owners will sometimes “play hard and soft”.

Naturally, foreigners have also encountered this kind of situation. If things go on like this, the more accumulated, the more complaints, which is enough to attract Amazon’s attention.

The impact of this incident on small and medium sellers
I think the most influential place is the address verification. This wave of knocking mountains and shaking tigers undoubtedly shocked the sellers. The address verification has already been sent out during May Day. After the holiday, Amazon sent an email asking for another verification. Some people guess that this is to select another group of people to sacrifice the knife? From the current point of view, nothing bad has happened to your Amazon store, but I have to say one more thing here, the cross-border e-commerce platform is gradually becoming saturated, and more and more platform sellers are also deploying independent Stand, after this turmoil, I am afraid that the independent station will become a must for the majority of sellers. No matter how the platform develops, it is necessary to plan ahead and update customer data to its own independent station membership system in real time before the closure of the store occurs. In the era of big data, data is the most important, and the data that you can control is the most important.
